
I would care if Torchlight II would not exist. Sorry Blizzard you lost me.

Take all my Money.

I expect not less than 40 games till xmas 2014

I dunno, we saw a ton of new game series on every sony console so far. Nearly all wiiU third party games so far were only ps3/xb360 ports with zombiU being the big exception

Let's show the game developers now which work on WiiU games! All 5-10 of them!

looks awesome

due to copyright stuff this will never be available. emulation is still the best way

Doesnt this also mean that games which make ps4 games (developed for the console) outdated in 5 years can be played on the ps4 through gakai?

It looks great, glad there will be a racing game launch title (it seems)

stop trolling

Oh noes, not Yuke's again. The studio which succeeds to add more and more bugs and glitches to the WWE game with every new year while still using the same engine since 2006.

The first impression i got now (i did not play the game yet) that the Kotaku reviewer maybe tried to play the game more in a standard FPS game while i read that others played the game more as a stealth game, so the part of the "frustration and hard AI" might be avoided when using the bow and stealth tactics more?

If it would be an Article about the new Devil May Cry and they would should DMC 1-4 cosplayers, yeah of course.

So more or less all big Gaming Websites say YES! about playing Crysis 3 and Kotaku is the only one suggesting to not play the game?

Don't take Owen Good seriously and worth to think about, he posts a Nintendo 64 Game Video (F-Zero X) in the article about the Super Nintendo F-Zero and has mistakes about year numbers, platforms and game names in nearly all of his articles. And his 'merican comment was just another example of his stupidity since the

Why are you showing a F-Zero X Video in an Article about F-Zero ?

This Gergo Vas guy and his lists SUCK

Barret and Yoshimitsu are Cyborgs?

Why was this fantastic Yuna by Narga Lifestream not in the article?

Fo Shizzle!