Why is there FFX-2 Cosplay in an article about FF X cosplay?
Why is there FFX-2 Cosplay in an article about FF X cosplay?
The music however, was / is still a ton better than anything heard in the last Resident Evil games
What? No Star Ocean 4?
Old news are old :-)
I dunno, the nintendo fans seem to be a special kind of fans..
Guy you can write what you want but the nintendo fanboys here will always write something enraged which is not really answering your theory even. They are blind and a bit dumb.
2-3 Years and the WiiU is history and hopefully the last console by nintendo.
Eat this ya stupid nintendo fanboys :-)
Its still the best handheld of them all
The trailer was pretty "meh" and while i like dubstep, it is super misplaced here.
Lol..trolling eh?
stupid article.
So, where are the new Nintendo WiiU Games?
What has Sony to do with Persona 4?
That's not bad
Seems like they really try to get more games released now.
- Fire Emblem: Awakening