
No Mortal Kombat? awwww

Oh nice, i guess thats the only worthy version than. Going to grab it for PS3 if the rumor is true.

No..thank you.

Arabians did not become the targets through video games..they made himself the targets by attacking western religions and countries since many years.

And another franchise got killed for ME after Resident Evil and Devil May Cry. EA and Capcom sure are doing crap lately.

Even Tomb Raider 2 on the ps1 had japanese speech already. Still have the original version of it.

Stay Classy, Guys who believe every Kotaku Headline and "source"

Ask the Studio which made Torchlight 1 & 2

"We've heard from one source that as a result of Sony's decision, SuperBot will have to shut down. "

reasoning? In our time and age? Lol you are old fashioned bro' !

What a stupid comment.

Another stupid article /mistake by Owen Good. His articles / blips are NEVER good.

So it will run on the WiiU??? Great!

20 dollars it wont be about their next console

yarr..lets pretend we have 2001 and Capcom would not be called Crapcom by many...for good reasons

Just remake Resident Evil 2 in the same style as RE 1 on the Wii. and continue with Resident evil 3 and than make a new resident evil which is again a survival horror game and not an action game.

Can you point me to an article from 2006 about wanting a price cut for the wii?

Not buying it before its 99 euro since it wont have more than 5-10 interesting and exclusive games for me

lol..nice trolling attempt

Very true. I noticed that rainbowdash writes often crap.