
September ? Than there is no chance the new consoles are coming out this year.

Yes they have, they are known as the platforms Bill Rizer appeared on since the mid nineties instead of being on nintendo platforms.

They should have waited 6 months and launch the WiiU with a good handful killer games.

Maybe they should have waited 6 months to have a stronger launch lineup for the wiiU.

And you know there is some truth in it

The Nintendoguys always reminded me at the actors from the Sesame Street or the Disney Club back in the nineties. They know their audience ;-)

I can really recommend it to you, had myself a lot of fun with it

heh..just google the story mk9 mode and take a look at a youtube video. The smash bros 1p modes are a joke compared with that story mode and the over 200 single player missions including many mini games

Never played the story mode of Mortal Kombat 9 eh?

What? Who spoke about graphic and gameplay?

ACIII, CoD, Ninja Gaiden, and Sega All Star Racers which are all available for other systems ..their lineup was the weakest since the n64 maybe..but its Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64 were at least really awesome games. Nintendoland and New SMB are games which are forgotten more or less already while Mario 64 was a game

Now playing

Nananana..nanananana hey hey hey..Good Bye!

OMG wow! And that while the official mod tool is not even out.

If you want very easy movies instead..or wait..just play and buy only games by nintendo.

you have to visit the website to see the big images

How do you find these Metroid renders?

And another one bites the dust, relative deserved maybe since their Epic Mickey 2 was crap.

Don't worry, in the next topic about Nintendo everything will be as usual again ;)

For once i have to agree 100% with you.