Koch Media agreed to purchase Volition and Metro
Koch Media agreed to purchase Volition and Metro
Osama the worst person on earth since Hitler? Whats with the many african warlords who were responsible for the deaths of millions of people there on the poor continent?
The PlayStation 4 Has A New Controller, Fancy User Accounts And Impressive Specs (So Far) ....According to unconfirmed Information.
You're welcome!
I know the technical differences but compare the old New SMB wii via Dolphin and the new WiiU HD SMB and the differences are really marginally. The God of War HD remakes look only slightly better than God of War 1+2 on the PSCX2 PS2 emulator.
Fully agreed.
The best is, that you could play wind waker in HD years ago already via the gamecube/wii emulator dolphin.
Get your facts..Monolith cant make new Xenogears or Xenosaga games.
It looked goergeous in hd years ago thanks to the dolphin gamecube/wii emulator already.
hmm i guess you have a point ^^ I am someone who is a regular at dA
yeah, those kotaku readers criticize typos, wrong informations, not working links..everything..they really suck!
But isnt this article obsolete for everyone who would just go to deviantART and search there for the keyword "juri han cosplay" http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=juri+han+cosplay since you did exactly that?
yarr..and you can count 3 animations on the most snk backgrounds as well..but what the hell..why do i even write with someone who has a MLP name in his nick.
Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Mortal Kombat, Guilty Gear and even Killer Instinct (KI 2 arcade at least) have wonderful animated stages. Why is this SNK only?
heh, don't worry, i don't own a news site and am not interested to make one, i get the capcom news from their press site because i publish their artworks they make available there like renders from the Street Fighter characters etc. My site was featured together with an artwork made for it just today on kotaku take a…
Of course it will get a few with the time, but the Nintendo consoles never got even half as many jrpgs or even rpgs in general since the 16bit era than their competitors. To buy a wiiU right now already for jrpg's is dumb. If there will ever be games like xenoblade 2 as example somewhen in 2014 or 2015 it makes more…
Away with the codes to unlock stuff..we have microtransactions now!
But is it not quite sure already that the next Playstation won't have the name PS4?