Playing that one on PC via steam ^^
Playing that one on PC via steam ^^
Let's talk about the topic somewhen in mid 2014 again if we are both still on kotaku :-)
thanks, but reading more than one comment isn't your thing eh? ;-) Thanks for pointing out my mistake as the 3rd or 4th person now
Yup..there will be 3-10 jrpgs on the wiiU in 2-4 years maybe. While there are 10x as many jrpgs on the ps3 alone.
Hmm i guess the WiiU gets some multiplatform games this year, but next year it is most likely the old wii/ps3/xb360 situation again i other have the new consoles..the "nextgen" of graphics and technology..and the wiiU players can be happy about the newest zelda, but the latest assassins creed, mass…
+ the 39.99 price tag was given for the ps digital copy
Interesting. In theofficial emails by the capcom press site, no infos about the xb360 and wiiU prices were given
You bought a wiiU in the hope to play games like this?
Get a PS3 already, it has more great games than any of its competitors.
wrong infos are wrong Jason. Why is it that you really screw up one article after another?
You expect Bayonetta 2 for 2013?
Its worth 5-10 bucks now. Old games are often overpriced on both XBL and PSN. Only the relative open platform, Steam has realistic prices often.
The WiiU still haz no games for at least 6 more months ;)
Looking forward to a Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch review too!
what a hero.
Maybe its "good enough" for Game Art HQ, the website and community the Zelda art was made for.
This world is doomed and full with idiots thank you!
I just changed my reaction from getting scared to shooting them in the face and the same was with Dead Space. Those games were never scary.
Glad to hear you liked this Zelda artwork. It is shameless self promotion, butmaybe check out the Zelda art project it was amde for here
If you liked it, maybe check out the whole Zelda Monsters gallery we created