Would love to see it on psn and xbl too..aren't card games perfect for playstation home too?
The next horror game that has been changed into a action game.
Due to the negative and quite mixed reviews i never bought it and saw just videos and decided to not buy it at all..that Darkstalkers and Disgaea characters were in the game is cool but i am not familiar with the Mana Khemia and Ar Tonelico characters. I played and liked Namco X Capcom already though (fan translated)
What has this to do with Nintendo?
Don't make me laugh
What a stupid article.
Disgaea >Fire Emblem
also search for pokemon x art and you find my website under the first results ;)
Just get both since both are most likely awesome games we will have a lot of fun with :-)
(Image by Shutterstock)
Considering 90% of the games on consoles are ported to PC. lol what?
Nope, being serious as always, the wiiU is not worth more than 99$ for me as long as there are not even a handful interesting exclusive games for my taste..there is no reason to grab a wiiU if you have a good pc and another current gen console already