
99 Dollars and i would buy a WiiU

Games are only for dumb people anyway, real men use the ps3 to watch blueray movies with it


Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 are still pretty much the best jRPGs to come out in their era

"Why make a sequel to FFXIII, a game that sold well but may have irrevocably damaged this brand forever? Why make yet another sequel to that?"

heh ya have much time today for fun eh? ;)

i never read any ToS but i am sure there stands something about insults somewhere...not that anyone cares about that!

You believe this article had a point? Beside being the 13th Article about this topic in the last ten days? Seriously? ;-)

The many "can video games make you violent" articles here lately make me angry...i want to VIOLATE the ToS now and insult someone.

very true

Monster Hunter should get a Playstation 3 game, avaiable worldwide finally.

The bad thing is..articles like that still get thousands of clicks =/

After Eisenbeis Yakuza 5 preview i said to myself that i will never read one of his articles fully. Wish the editor names would be avaiable before you click on an article =/

Yarr..i ask myself how someone can put such a shit together like Eisenbeis in this article. Maybe he should stick to writing articles about the games he understands. (call of duty?)

Don't try to dicuss games with Kotaku editors...they know everything better while they are clueless. Since you are a Disgaea Fan...see them on the Mid-Boss Intelligence level ;-)

Oh god. Stop writing articles.

I remember that "hackers" unlocked them over a month ago in the xbox360 version already

Those family members could have used google or wikipedia.

Torchlight II >Diablo3

Not 100% but more and more. There is not much missing anymore and PC's are a part of the living room instead of the game console