GBK's top ten games of the last time
GBK's top ten games of the last time
+1 No day without Journey articles on Kotaku lately
Are you paid for Journey articles lately on Kotaku? No day without at least one article about how suuuper awesome this 2 hours game is.
Ah that explains it ^^ thanks for the info..i wondered about the quality of the "trailer" too since it did not feel like one
How did this "fan" get access to gameplay videos he can cut together but the international gamepress has no clue?
btw i guess the guys behind this game don't even know about this article (yet), if you really want to help out as programmer, try and search those people ^^
Not totally related to the article but...
Is this game as similar to Super Metroid as it looks in the screenshot on the top? The answer to that questions is more important than the whole article for me.
I prefer cosplay art to cosplay.
FFT was just awesome its time but disgaea and its sequels made more or less just everything better as it was in fft and the gba sequels. I am sure a new and modern FFT could be on par with digaea though.
Disgaea>FF Tactics
Both the Last Story and Xenoblade would not really count as 2012 games though really if we would take metacritics and everything else as serious some people my post ;)
this cant be true, i played the best jrpg of the last decade on the ps2!
That would be a explanation but another reader told me wiiU and wii games are in one category there
Wii and WiiU games are in the same category? Well that does not really make sense to me but i was joking and trolling anyway :)
So the Wii was not included anymore because just all of the released games were super bad?
Borderlands 2 is a thousand times better than farcry 3
This is not just simple cosplay, it is cosplay art.
Hint: Nintendo never made a Mario Movie, Hollywood Pictures did.