Screw the "call of duty generation".
Screw the "call of duty generation".
Awesome article. *cough*
yup. That with the "do all sidequests" is also inaccurate. If you are on a low level in act 2 or 3 because you missed the extra quests you can just replay some dungeons and level up before trying a boss.
Pro Tips ftw
Some of the Torchlight II tips are simply wrong.
Also..more games with Borderlands like graphics please!
"Ubisoft has a plan to keep the Assassin's Creed, Splinter Cell movies from sucking"
Hmm...i am a big fan of the series but this really did not impress me.
You know what? Your comment here inspired me to organize a Xenogears art tribute somewhen in 2013. I am the founder of a website and community for gamers who are also artists..raging from hobbyists to some popular professional artists who are in the game industry working since years already.
Everyone without an I-Pad cant play how is it better than any of th great games released for multiple platforms this year.
Yeah..she is a great model and cosplayer ^^
Its the same as when a psx game gets upscaled graphics via one of the avaiable emulators. It might look "cleaner" and has some features of more modern games but often that does not really improve the is just changing them
Sleeping Dogs, a thousand times.
"Looks even more next gen"
Is there a strategy rpg like disgaea on the xb360?
Nope, i didnt say anything about no other exclusive games on the xb360, i wrote about the varity of genres. You have more or less 2-5 exclusive examples of a genre on a sony console compared to 0-1 on the others. It is like that on the ps1 ..take racing games..there is Forza on the xb ..there is mario kart and f-zero…
Let's rename the XBOX360 to "The FPS Console 360" already. What other genre is that console known to focus on? If you want genre varity you stick to the PC or sony consoles
that was what i meant..i mean..who seriously cares for a "zen" pinball game on the wiiU :-)
The game every WiiU buyer waited for.