
Playing Torchlight II again today and having fun :-)

Creativity by gamers /fans is something super highly overlooked by Kotaku etc..except they can be sure it generates a lot clicks like when it is a dorkly mortal kombat spoof, sexy cosplay, or often something which makes people shake their heads.

This is why there is LittleBigPlanet ;.)

This is Kotaku....home of the stupid article writers :)

In the west it will most likely be the case..Fifa 14 or something might be the last ps2 game in the usa and europe

Hi, i am not sure how to understand your reply to my comment about the last of the terrible Lightning saga ff games.

Don't forget you are on Kotaku ^^ The most article editors here arent the brightest individuals out there..or they just try to get articles together for more clicks.

Depends on the game :) Some archievements in games today really seem to be made for masochists ;)

Nope, but i read articles about the game which are not yet published/talked about on Kotaku. Look for the FF Lightning Returns article from the Dengeki PlayStation Magazine

you sound more like a masochist. You rant about a game first (which is damn okay in this case) but you still buy and play it.

Lightning returns is the most dssapointing FF game ever for me.

heh..that could mean ps1 and ps1 backwards compatibility as well..but would be super expensive for sony and well..third party publishers would be pissed because get an extra income through missing compatibility :-)

100 dollars that no new xbox and sony consoles will be released in 2013.

a girl and sex

Hmm for me it looks like the opposite and Sony gets more 3rd party publisher support than any of their competitors.

Nice, people with a good taste dominated the poll.

Great work..such news really have to be spread on Major known websites to make the round.

Looks very cool, but i had a feeling like most animations were somehow ripped from Mortal Kombat 9

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Thanks for the news which was published 3 days ago on a ton of other sites!