
Bah..ich hasse Karneval...gibt genug andere Gründe sich blöd anzuziehen..ausserdem ist Karneval mehr Saufgelage als alles andere =/

Yup..and it is still the first part of the Dynasty Warriors series :-)

First release Dynasty Warriors

O_o das ist ne Spaß Sache zwischen mir und dem Erlöser selbst ^^ Alter hat mit Spaß und Quatsch wenig zu tun ;)

This one misses multiple dumb things capcom did in 2012.

The Smartest & Dumbest Things Kotaku Did In 2012

i insulted kirk hamilton now with my aryan wrath in some posts and did other terrible things but he still writes kotaku articles! Jesus what must i do to get rid of this plague!

Nice Article.


"You would not see these kinds of things in any other holiday party, in another industry!"

What can i say...."americans"


i would really care if i could speak japanese and buy the game here.

this needs official blessings and crowdfunding.

Avalanche Software well... in the past they made some of the worst games ever, and co disney game developers they made a bunch of okay but damn boring games.

very true ^^ But they dont have the new comment system on all gawker sites i think. Kotaku Australia as example has a more "oldschool" comment system still

and +1 from me as well. we can reply to each other ten times now to show how flawed the new comment system is ...but that would be silly ;)

"The Biggest Disappointments Of 2012"

yeah changed my comment already, i did not read the article fully and thought a level upgrade would be charged for..i will most likely buy all the dlc even if there are 8 packs which raise the price to over 120 euro but i guess its worth it..their dlc rocks in general

good news are good