
yeah..the way of controls cant be changed easily O_o

release it on psn or steam and i buy it

nope you are not the only one. i will buy one for sure but not before there are at least 10-20 games on it which interest me+ like you said..the other consoles offer more than enough games and ways to play a game too. On nintendo consoles you are always quite limited to a few genres in general

thanks for the article :-)

If it would look like a Saturn racing game, you would not have such a long distance ..after 2-3 houses there would be clipping. Never played Daytona USA, Sega Rally, etc on the Saturn eh, Ashcraft?

"who knows what the future holds for it"

its the ds remake at least


Whats with all the stupid articles by Ashcraft about chinese pornstars and other crap nearly nobody cares about and Patricia Hernandez Gay and Cock related articles?

If our enemies here on Kotaku are stupid articles and stupid editors, sure thing.

Schande über dich!

Dies ist einer der besten Kotaku Artikel überhaupt! Er trieft nur so vor Wissen und Intelligenz was ihn von der großen Masse der anderen Kotaku Artikel abhebt! Gute Arbeit! Ich hoffe das mehr und mehr Artikel mit deutschen Inhalten auf Kotaku erscheinen werden!

As a German i can assure you that you are right with that, Video Game Magazines are still part of our Reichspropaganda

Naja, die Zeitung hats ned lange gegeben :)

Kotaku just stop.

When do we get a The Smartest & Dumbest Things Kotaku Did In 2012 finally?

Good luck that these games are worth mentioning them and that they will be published for sure.

More or less everything is copied on kotaku except their own reviews and a really few own articles..which are often quite stupid. The worst for me is the morning time, i life in Germany and see the Ashcraft articles from 9am-12 am i think and godamn if i would not use kotaku to get a bit traffic for my own site

and bought.

Kudos to Notch