
"And just how is this Kotaku news material?"

Its just kotaku with their stupid articles about things nobody cares for but they make it a big deal

As if the many stupid articles by ashcraft are not enough, there are more of them now as well by new kotaku editor Hernandez?

This game gets really a lot attention by Kotaku since a half year.

....4 Life!

My drivers never seemed to be up to date and I hated the hassle of trying to figure out how to update them or what to do when even updating them didn't seem to enable me to run games on computers that should have been able to run them.

Blame Guan Yu

Since it is related to FF here is some NEW art for sure :-( But it is for the first FF game not the unreleased one lol

Aww still no The Smartest & Dumbest Things Kotaku Did in 2012

Here is a pretty cool art tribute to the first Final Fantasy btw

You seriously believe you need to study writing to get a job at Kotaku?

Hi Patricia, i hope we will be great enemies.

True true, in March you can get the ps3/xb360 versions for half the price most likely

As much as i dislike Nintendo in general..but this comparison is hilarious and stupid.

*laughs* Xiahou is a pretty cool character too, no question, i prefer Guan mostly because his fighting style and of course...the beard.

Lu Bu? That might be possible!

Heh, i was just joking about Guan Yu of course :-) He is my favourite character from the DW games

Let's blame Guan Yu.

Next week?

=:/ Indeed ^^