Kotaku has a problem with misleading headlines? Rly Owen?
Kotaku has a problem with misleading headlines? Rly Owen?
lol @ americans.
Very true, Ashcrafts "Kotaku East" articles are most of the time terrible
Still waiting for the The Smartest & Dumbest Things Kotaku Did in 2012 article.
yay @ rights for workers in the usa i guess. Here in Germany things like that are impossible, workers need to get written infos that they are released weeks, even months before it. Depending how long they stayed in a company. When i read about cases like the ones in this article i am damn glad we have such laws here.
Glad capcom makes it easy to not buy their games
Oh God fucking NO!
FF*s name went downhill after they announced ffxiii for the xbox. It not a special series for the sony consoles anymore..now it is just another multiplatform series of many.
"I like talking poorly about systems I don't care about."
that petition got nearly 100k signers though and porting a game to pc is actually both easier and cheaper than to a new platform for which you need people experienced with it, get the development kits etc. And while chances are high that a lot of the 100k people have a pc..how big are the chances that 10k of the 10…
I guess they saw a real chance for the pc version, also porting it to pc is a ton easier and cheaper than to a new console on the market.
Less even. From those 10 i bet only 1-3k even have a wiiU or plan to buy one. Those online petitions which are usually promoted by kids via facebook get signed often, yeah but by people who do it just for fun
Hmm..people wanted "harcore" games on the wii..they got madworld, the resident evil shooters and a few more..all bombed in sales. People still bought zelda, mario etc like there is no tomorrow. 100 bucks that other games like dark souls 2 ..mass effect..assassins creed sell like shit on the wiiU compared with the…
And 7k of them do not even have a wiiU ;) Online Petitions are a joke and companies know it
you're welcome :)
"Male on male rape: something that media barely touches or acknowledges as possible."
the "hd" hitmans are most likely all the ps2 versions of the games..the first part was never ported to that console and would mean effort..aka money =/
Was blood money for the ps2 too? i guess it is a "hd remake" of that version
Oh, thats the guy who developed that mega man x sf game for free for capcom?