Well Bayonetta and Vanquis are not even made by Sega.
Well Bayonetta and Vanquis are not even made by Sega.
Beside Yakuza and Virtua Fighter, Sega releases only Shit since years. Shit compared with older games i mean. Compared with other games of today a lot of them are still okay i guess. But their days of ShenMue, Arcade Racers like Sega Rally, Daytona and Scud Racers are over since too many years.
IGN was..IGN again in 2012.
that was not trolling by him. Not sure Nintendo Fanboys get it though.
thats the spirit ^^ If you have fun doing what you do..you do it good, if you do it only for money, people won't like that and won't subscribe and view something. Let'ts play videos are super boring for me too, they are only good to make screenshots of a specific part of them for me sometimes ..but watching others…
heh very true, and thousands of guys dont own any rights the the music videos or mixes they upload on youtube..yet they have videos with millions of views and nice ads which are even not skippable.
Hmm, i fear like just every new "Let's Play" video..musicvideos..etc on youtube has ads now, previously made for fun stuff will be sold by users in the future. Ade free mods and fun stuff?
Ah you misunderstood me on that, i dont play those games because they are ..at least in my opinion.. designed mostly for kids, i dont play them because they just dont appeal to me (anymore).
Games dont need violence etc to be good, i give you that. I play my Disgaea too from time to time but if i can choose between God of War and well..Lego City? Pikmin? Lol naaah..i played those when i was 15.
I am no expert of course but i remember about reading that even a patch on PSN costs many thousand dollars already, MS has that extra fee but alone for the network costs Nintendo and Sony would charge enough to make capcom say NAY. I worked with capcom last summer and made the experience they want everythign for free…
What the..i could swear it was Hui before
Damn. That tweet is genius. Thanks for sharing it god damn screw capcom.
It is a fan game by that one guy who got interviewed.
Most adults just look down to those games and see them as kids games there are adults who like those of course too ..i mean..there are adults who dress up as captain kirk or the macho man and believe that is not making them look stupid too...
Also, very misleading title.
"they"? It was one guy alone, one fan who made this game.
i know you did not compare them but i did ;) And after thast comparison i can only laugh about those games.
That would take effort by Capcom and would cost money = A Big No , that will never happen.
Lucky Capcom, they didnt make the game, a fan did.