Everyone except Nintendo and some Nintendofans sees the WiiU NOT as a nextgen console.
Everyone except Nintendo and some Nintendofans sees the WiiU NOT as a nextgen console.
wow is that one stupid article.
God was this a hell of a stupid article.
Best Competitive Multiplayer ..always fps....
Nah, this was very different with one single fan working on a 8bit graphics free game he wanted to release for free anyway. The Halo Remix Skin Mod used properties of other companies ..imagine this little fan game would have mega man vs mario..in that case capcom would never release it via their channels.
Very true.
"Involving a true collaboration between a company and its fans, Street Fighter X Mega Man was created and developed by Singapore native Seow Zong Hui (aka "Sonic"), with direction and support provided by Capcom. "
I see no problem with that, it is welcome. But goddamn..we need a 2nd and 3rd competitor on the pc as strong or nearly as strong as steam.
hmph, i am trolling for sure from time to time but on this matter my rant was justified i think. It is seriously hilarious what nintendo does there
Just when you think Nintendo could not get any more stupid..they come up with this crap.
There is no european government.
What the hell.
Just stop promoting these countdown everytime @Bashcraft and Kotaku.
nah..kotaku .au did but that site shares only the name with kotaku.com ..it is much smaller ^^
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chances are high there will be a 3ds remake of Zelda MM