In my dreams, big sites like kotaku would write about this zelda art tribute by over 50 fans
In my dreams, big sites like kotaku would write about this zelda art tribute by over 50 fans
Did you play the game Chris Person?
would have been cool to have comparison screenshots.
Troll Harder
Best Tekken game ever, gameplay wise
Oh well, am i trollin' if i say this game looks like absolute shit and i feel insulted by it being announced instead of showing the first screens of the next Smash Bros or another big game?
Evan Narcisse just has a really bad taste.
looks more like fighting force "hd" and nope..that is not a compliment.
hehe Nintendofans won't have a lot to be happy about these days.
Because i am sadly not a big Nintendo Honcho who could decide that such a Mario & Sonic crossover instead of those stupid Olympic games would be made. Hell i would get them to make killer games instead of well.."Game & Wario" or that lackluster new mario bros wiiU
Superior to 360 and PS3 or not, I don't see how anyone can say Super Mario World doesn't look beautiful.
Heh, that are the Nintendo News everyone waited for!
If i would work at Nintendo at least and would have the Power to decide such things those games would be in development. The WiiU needs "Killer Games" and it needs them fast. A Mario & Sonic Crossover ..sequels of their big series and 1-2 completley new games/series of Genre*s they barely ever touched like a fighting…
I expect the first little teasers for the next Smash Bros, maybe a Mario & Sonic platform game for the first time..a few hd remakes/ports of wiiu games including Zelda SS..all games which will be released in summer 2013 or much later even
ah ^^
Hmm..if you say those games don't count because they were released in other regions yet..would't that statement count for your other comment too where you mention a dozen of Nintendo exclusives in December? Over the half of the WiiU games are not even exclusives though..
if you call ports exclusive ..yeah.
As much as i like to bash Nintendo but January is not thaaaat interesting for Sony and MS platforms in Japan as well, i mean okay, they get Hitman Absolution there and LittleBigPlanet Karting okay and DmC: Devil May Cry and PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and a few more games too...hmm guess you were right Brian.
^^ even trolls like me can be fun ;)