heh! 32 years here and i thought about the Virtual Boy but since it is a handheld i did not count it. The Hardware recall was worse i guess but that one happend at least only in Japan.
heh! 32 years here and i thought about the Virtual Boy but since it is a handheld i did not count it. The Hardware recall was worse i guess but that one happend at least only in Japan.
Heh, i actually forgot that, i myself did not import the N64 (here in Europe the launch library was bigger i think) but a friend did and was relative pissed about it because he was bored with the console a few days after he imported it and lend it to me
You're welcome!
Yes, because a lot more units were produced. Remember how you could not find a wii for weeks after launch without luck and how people could sell them for over $1500 at ebay? Now you find a lot of them in every store.
Worst Nintendo Console Launch ever (so far) the WiiU has a rough start..let's see where the system is in 18 Months.
^^ FF
Yeah i know your remix, but on the tributes, we accept only stuff made for them^^
awww..mega man should have been a part of it since it is mega man's 25th anniversary :-)
Indeed ^^
I tried my luck with previous japanese games already including Macross and the A.C.E games already on the PS2 but playing without understanding the whole game is never as fun as usual =/
Looks good, but i still wait for a good Macross game being released here (Europe) and is avaiable in english.
Just browse only on Nintendo Fansites and you won't see articles like this one
Sure, WiiU games will hopefully look in general like only a few "tripple A" games on the ps3/xb360..at least thats what i wish Nintendo and their fans, but like yourself i can't wait for the next technology jump and that is something the WiiU does not offer for sure..except for people who only had a Wii before and…
nah, i complain about the others as well whenever there are good reasons :-) The thing with the current gen/next gen dicussion is to a good part really how i described it though. Nintendo and fans say it is a nextgen console. 90% of the people who have other consoles and a pc at home don't understand how it can be a…
Not in the definition of just everyone who is not a nintendofan.
I think it is great and Kotaku should remind their Readers every 2 days why they should not buy a WiiU yet! ;)
Stop trying to troll me ;) It is an impossible thing to achieve ;-)