Exceptions are the rule of course :-) But are you playing COD, etc on the Nintendo now or will you rather stick to play them on other platforms?
Exceptions are the rule of course :-) But are you playing COD, etc on the Nintendo now or will you rather stick to play them on other platforms?
But why would they play an FPS on a Nintendo console?
I bet fps on the wiiU will never played as often as on other current gen consoles, the people who play fps are in general not the mario/pokemon/wii fit fans.
If you are into Final Fantasy related art, maybe visit http://www.game-art-hq.com/
To answer the question if games can be art, just visit http://www.game-art-hq.com/ and you will never have to ask that question again
Hello, i just read your comment about some of the rather ignorant people who complained about tiny mistakes in the Zelda artworks. I am webmaster of a site about game related fan art and well, experienced comments like that relative often. There are artworks people worked on for literally days and people complain…
I play the PS2 GTA games from time to time via PS2 emulator, the visuals look like the are "hd remakes" thanks to the upscaling options of the emu. Playing GTA on a Mobile? No Thank You
Screw ya Taliban freaks !
The one with Kuma is the best
Nice article, more of something like this please instead of the crap like this kotaku com/5965074/hitler-in-a-mini+skirt-and-stalin-in-hot-pants-infamous-dictators-as-anime-ladies/gallery/ you see here often.
100 dollars there will be a GOTY version with all dlc included.
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD is not developed and published by Sony.
I know how it is.
"YouTube user SniperousSnape:
I am a webmaster of multiple projects..and well..if you try to make money with only one revenue source..you are fucked often.
You have no fucking clue.
BitGamer—heh...anyone else here who remembers that name? ;P
The last good Nintendo controller was the one for the SNES
That must be a lie or missing knowledge, the game was avaiable here on the european launchdate, there were posters for it in gamestop (i got one even) and i saw it among the many other used ps3 games in the local gamestop as well.