
Beside Kotaku? one cares.

Yay, 2nd article about ps24wiiU controller solutions on Kotaku in 2 or 3 days now

Another really badly researched Kotaku Article. Dead Island is avaiable here since launch. Not forbidden, not censored, the only regulation is that people below 18 can't buy the game.

Censorship happend relative rarely here in Germany, often Companies even censored their games by themselfes without the need to do it. That happend with popular games of the past like the Contra games which were changed to "Probotector" here and had Robotoers as characters instead of the human soldiers, in the Turok

Ein weiterer von etlichen dämlichen Kotaku Artikel voller inhaltlicher leider mehr oder weniger die Regel hier das oft nicht wirklich recherhiert sondern eher falsch abgeschrieben wurde.

Like another one already wrote: "Oh my God. Shut up. "

It will probably be 5-10 bucks on steam..and maybe it ends there on a sale for only 2-5 bucks or will be a part of a future humble bundle..most indie games on psn are sadly overpriced compared to their steam counterparts anyway

Thanks to kickstarter, steam and crazy indie developers some really cool things happen from time to time in the video games industry.

Now imagine other companies would do such humble bundles as well..from sega to, nintendo...i mean people can dream it will never happen..but for consumers as well as for the company and charitys involved its great. A great idea to sell old games for the price the consumer wants to pay.

would play it on a ps3!

I guess the thing is that google made so many bad experiences with webmasters that the percentage of lying ones who tried to cheat was much highter than the few webmasters who had such cases like you. If you still run websites, as said, it is the best solution to use multiple adnets as well as making some bucks with

Seriously, that looks great.

The WiiU deserves no positive articles. Read Nintendo websites to get those.

i doubt it might be a good idea to post a link here in this news ;)

Never use adsense for a website with less than 1000 unique visitors per day..otherwise made the experience what can happen easily

a million views for a video = around 2k us dollars

Same with websites which use adsense. It is relative easy to get a webmasters account banned.

Thats why adsense is only one of 6 different advertising networks on my websites. Making Money with youtube might be a wonderful thing, but not being more or less independent? Too risky.