
don`t feed the troll ^^

It`s all daniel bryans fault

I saw that some people liked these jokes and the article. Well..there are also people who laugh like hell about fart and pooh jokes, right?

Thanks for the review, guess i pass this time.

Brian your articles are getting better and better.

Why would someone care about what a stripper has to say?

Heh. Well my most played games are currently Borderlands 2, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Torchlight 2. I think the PSVita needs more exclusive games and series. I like fighting games like MK9 and SFXT as example, but prefer to play them on the big screen by far. Guess the psVita could use another FF Dissidia maybe, a

Now get some killer games produced for the psvita and the system might sell better.

thought its very fitting

Heh i trust you Stephen but reliable sources would just be great ^^

they want to sell their current consoles, you genius.

that console just needs the so called "killer games" new FF or Monster Hunter games could revive it maybe

They would give choices if there would have been the choice to have a big hdd in the console already. Why would i want just another hardware/ cable in the living room next to the console lol? And who even needs 2 tb, 250 GB for the wiiU would have been more than enough already

Nah, you assumed something wrong, i guess that both MS and Sony started working on the first concepts of their next consoles already when they were designing the last ones, i bet during the process they had already ideas for the next hardware. I made the comment because i would really like to see a reliable source,

Please dont call them xb720 or PS4, those are not their names for sure.

^^ good one. The best part is that the one that interrupting the downloading process can break the console. And how in the hell is a console perfect when a third party hdd needs to be bought?

While you play on your SNES CD i play the arcade perfect Killer Instinct port on Project Reality / Ultra 64

Heya Stephen, can you name one.. ONE reliable source that any developers have development kids for the future sony or MS consoles?

Depends on an own opinion i believe

I want some of what you were smokin`!