If the eight generation is the one with the technology of the 7th one..yes they skip it and start the ninth
If the eight generation is the one with the technology of the 7th one..yes they skip it and start the ninth
Dear Jesus Christ..i know we are not on the same side and your father really sucks, but i could not agree more with you on this matter.
"Nintendo Boss Declares Wii U The Start of the Next Console Generation"
Heh i played Wing Commander for the first time on the super nintendo, and never the pc versions, i remember that the controls were something difficult to learn but once that was reached the game was a lot fun. There was a Wing Commander released by fans lately which is one of the most impressing fan made and free…
Fighting the Drakhi was super awesome but goddamn..the whole old Wing Commander trilogy was great.
Nah, he would not, i extra said consoles since handhelds are a different thing, but if the 3ds would count hmm..well let`s wait what comes in the next days
Damn great that it reached such a big support. Wing Commander I-IV were awesome, with III being my favourite one. Let's hope Roberts and his crew can use the money and develope a great new game, an interesting story and characters who are as unforgetable like Maniac and the evvil Kilrathis
I wish they would be innovative with their games and develope more than 0-2 new series per console. Look how many cool series were born alone on the ps1 and have sequels and spinoffs till today (ace combat, ridge racer, tekken, gran turismo, twisted metal, warhawk) but were accompanied with new series during the ps2…
Like others mentioned already, this is the most likely most boring Nintendo console launch ever. No interest to get the WiiU for a long time.
Everyone who buys a game like Mass Effect on the WiiU when it is obvious that it was a fast ported game can`t be very smart
awwww ^^
*high 5* But that was an exception, normally i really love to bash Nintendo whenever it is possible but a downtime at a launch of a service is just understandable . Beside that, your nickname is wrong! It should be crapcom and not carpcom ;)
I am not a big Nintendo fan..but never..really never..people should care anymore for any IGN reviews and articles in general since years.
Seems their launch sucks, i wish Nintendo and Nintendo fans that it goes well in the next months
7 of 10 is of course not bad, but since i have currently a ton of fun with other games (Borderlands 2, TTT2) it made me sceptical that it is a "must have" for now. I buy games only at launch if am sure they are really worth it
The EDGE Magazine 7 of 10 made me sceptical
Heh, this time it won`t be as it was for the Wii. No chance these consoles are sold for that amount of money
PS3 System Updates are around 5 minutes downloaded or less the biggest download, the first time was maybe around 20-30 minutes long
Or wait until a better model gets released with all the important firmware stuff installed already and only a few more MB are needed
Yup, today consoles have often either problems like that, or more serious ones like the RROD ..it is smarter to wait 6-24 months...new consoles are overpriced too.