lol, good one
lol, good one
Never buy a new console at launch.
I did not brag about it, i am no self proclaimed psx fanboy. You however, seem to be someone really ignorant..and maybe dumb? I wish it would be possible to not see your stupid posts.
Heh. The Nintendo Defender again, doing what he does best.
i predict they have filters installed already for f-words and combinations of words like shut up
I have a feeling words like shut up are moderated automatically =/
Maybe he meant the Nintendo games?
I dont get why new downloadable games cost the same as their retail versions.
I am not going to buy a console which forbids me to say /write "shut up" online
"A new generation of Xboxes and PlayStations is set to be released next year"
"Without the firmware update, Wii U systems have been unable to go online, connect to Nintendo's Miiverse, or even play Wii games and transfer data from Wii games. That functionality should be included in this update."
Fully agreeing to your comment ^^
Back to Nintendo Club with you ;)
Bioware? ME3? Ninja Gaiden? What Screams Next Gen Technology @ The Wiiu?
I understand why people want the nextgen of consoles asap, but the current gen and the big cost for games made me thinking that it might be wise for console manufacturers as well as game companies to stick to the current gen as long as w´possible because development costs will again raise a lot, and i believe that…
After all the hate and problems got at the start of the ps3, they managed it to make it again the console with the most exclusive games..and more important the console with the most interesting games. While the wii got around 30 interesting great games, they are mostly just nintendo sequels of the same gamegenre`s. On…
Ps2`s crazy taxi is a bad example since it was released over 2 1/2 years after the launch of the ps2 and not even ported by Sega themselfes (Acclaim did a bad job)