
lol at all the Nintendo Fans who defend the WiiU as a "Next Gen Console" .

I believe only nintendo fans and those who feat the shitstorm by nintendo fans would call the WiiU a nextgen console. The argument that it is the next generation because it came after the Wii is bullshit since we go by technology generations since decades.

"Technology will drive gameplay, always." is something different as "Technology will sell consoles" or?

the mouse keyboard pair should have been made a standard solution for console shooters on both the ps3 and xb360 from the launch and games like Resistance and Halo 3 on forward..i think both platform manufacturers gave away a good chance to make the fps games and the experience with them a bit better and similar to

I really don`t understand why the most console shooters today are not supporting usb mouse and keyboard combos for consoles. I mean..even the most Sega Dreamcast FPS could be played with mouse and keyboards.

yes, without a doubt

Would you recommend the console to me?

yup. Seeing around 40% Multiplatform games in the PS3 12 best games list made the whole thing a bad joke.

Would you recommend the console to me?

After the PS3 list yesterday i stopped taking these lists serious.

Ah, thanks for the many infos

Hmm..makes me wonder how it will be handled for multiplatform games in the future. I wait a while before i grab a wiiu

Only ZombiU.

How are the Graphics compared to the PC, PS3, XB360 versions?

Over a Year

Oh yes...the strong case of a software piracy of an old game which was never released outside Japan. Heads will roll if they ever find out about the tenthousands of people who downloaded and never even played this game aftert downloading a complete srt of n64 games in the last years.

Gah, expected it for december or next year. Need to buy another psn card ^^

Today.. you can /could just google in the game title + rom and well...have the game after some seconds of downloading ..and an emulator does the rest.

Sony for President!!!!

And even if, i bet it would be like it ended with Midway Games and their Chicago Midway Team which changed into Netherealm Studios and was bought by Warner Bros together with the Mortal Kombat licenses. Volitron delivered great games, the SR series is strong and would most likely be bought by another big company if