As my father in law says:
“It’s not the fact, but the laugh, what really hurts”
As my father in law says:
“It’s not the fact, but the laugh, what really hurts”
Need more Raph on meltdown
Silly Story Time:
For years I wanted to play HL2 since my PC had been lees than up to the task because most of my hard earned money went straight to modding my car and later on to buy a house and wedding preps and could only stand playing an hour or so at sub 15fps in low quality and windowed mode.
However during one of…
That video kind of reminds me of this one
If you’re getting texture, and busting your ass to remove it, then you’re not applying it correctly.
Been working with plastidip on a DIY level for more than 5 years, even before dipyourcar took off, and I haven’t had any problem when the application was correct.
Wipeout 2099 is the main reason I became a graphic designer and addicted to videogames.
I uploaded said photos somewhere around in this post
I hope your post get’s more stars and get’s added to the main article because there’s a lot of misinformation regarding this accident.
Sorry I can’t edit my first post, a poor choice of words.
Let’s not say “startled” but maybe a mix of euphoria and road rage wanting to race the bikers and scaring them sliding the car in front of them.
You can see the passenger already lowering the window and starting to take his head out (probably to yell at the biker), so no way he/she was also yanking the e-brake.
Also, in some photos I’ve uploaded in another comment you can see the guys on the Jetta sharing alcoholic drinks thru the window with some other morons…
Yep, sorry about that.
thought the idea came across clearly but maybe not.
Probably wrong choice of word on my side, sorry about that, english is not my primary language (although my boss may disagree) but a pack of bikers zooming past you can definitively scare the crap out of you no matter how sober or drunk you are.
We don’t have them here in Mexico, they are red plastic cups like those used for beer pong.
People in Mexico city, Cuernavaca and the surroundings use them for mixed alcoholic drinks, mostly rum/coke or vodka/juice.
That theory has been already debunked, but the first time this accident showed on imgur had that as a title and quickly became viral
I have seen this video way too many times already on my facebook feed in the last few days and there are a lot of different stories behind it.
As any sport where judges are in charge of deciding the winner, no, it’s not as objective as something that can be measured in just speed or time, but there is a specific criteria that is qualified and that needs to be followed tightly in order to win.
Thanks, I really didn’t need to think about that
Well I agree it shouldn’t be called “racing” it just happens to be a sport where cars are used, sort of like “car soccer” on Top Gear.
I think the closest thing to“drift racing” is dirt track racing, only that there are no judges and the style points are non-existent.