
Hmmmmmmmm. Nope, no “gizmo’s” in this post either. Only politics.

Cool! And no one is blaming this on Trump. Great article.

Here you go boys and girls.

At least he knew the answer was 42.

Oh YAY!! - let’s bash Trump some more because this subject is way more important than running the country with all its complexities and headstrong anti-Trump mini-god politicians all vying for headlines and re-election votes. Yeah, let’s really screw with this guy because it really helps him do his job.

Yes, one of these “informed” individuals was railing on “his 1970 carnegie business school bullshit” - Trump went to Wharton. Some of these brain donors here can’t even use Google!

Actually it was Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

“Trumps Plan for the Military Sucks” - so does a Hoover vacuum cleaner. But at least the Hoover has something to do with technology, this article does not. Wherefore hath thee drifted Gizmodo? Oh that’s right, this is now the “Bash Trump” every few articles or so website. - Come on! Less politics ( or NO POLITICS )

I would LOVE to see actual footage of flying into a black hole for comparison.

One thing about Harrison; if he gets an aircraft into the air I will personally guarantee he’ll get it back down.

Now THIS is an excellent article. Bravo.

Don’t mind “them.” “They” are upset because the leader of their Minitrue got politically whacked before she could ascend to the throne and without the constant stream of Newspeak, they engage in the Two Minute Hate. But you are correct; occasional tech news + ample helpings of left wing propaganda.

Listen Kirk, if you ever expected to work for me you wouldn’t even get through the door with your attitude. Perhaps you’d be farther ahead in your IT profession if you kissed a little more ass than you tried to kick and realized you’re not the only bulb on the chandelier. - Attitudes such as yours are like fungus ,

And you can’t use empirical data that has been cooked like NASA did according to the whistle blower who literally wrote the program. And Bill Nye isn’t a science guy, he’s just a guy in a lab coat. And Al Gore is just a politician who found a way to get even more money from a gullible public. - I could go on; but the

Another excellent point.

Mind boggling isn’t it? LOL

Oh....... whip me with your words.

You were doing fine in the conversation up until that parting shot. Perhaps if you really knew my backround with regard to the Constitution at al. you would have a different opinion. But instead of staying on point you took that snarky turn to the left. - and nowhere did I use the word “directly’ now did I. - But read

Point well taken. But the scientists will fair better not having to “buy access” a la HRC, but rather “selling the idea,” which is a level at which Trump has expertise, familiarity and enjoyment on both a personal and professional level. If you, if anyone, has a great idea for anything, selling the idea works better

Ok - Let me retry here. - Mr. President: I have data x that will yield results y producing desired effect z, and I will need specific amounts of $. - As opposed to: WAH WAH WAH - Give me money. I deserve it because I’m special.