sensual farmer

Amazingly, the Raptors issued the opposite correction regarding the previous night's attendance.


Pretty obvious that beam would've held if Hassel had used a column instead of a vine.

Now I see why it's illegal here to smoke a Cuban.


Look, I'm not gonna say the obvious. This global warming thing may be caused by the combined effects of greenhouse gases and deforestation. But look at the truth in front of us. If it's getting that cold in the far south, especially in places Georgia and Alabama and Florida, it's pretty obvious the real causes of

Much like at Holt's ill-fated Roarin' 20s-themed junior prom, Lester's moves only made the foxtrot.

+1 /tears


[Russian men put on helmets]


I'm a Hall & Dates man myself.

the year to make love...

Howdy, pard.

So that's what happened to my guitar


Guess that makes sense. There's really no way you could make a Peyton Playmobil.


how horrifying the idea of... people profiting off of Trayvon Martin's dead body is