
Then have fun with another generation of a conservative SCOTUS.

Yeah, Susan, the idea is to progress without The Actual By God Blood-in-the-Streets Revolution. You want Trump picking some Supreme Court justices and pushing the entirety of progress back by a couple generations?

This is such a wildly privileged opinion. Real people will get hurt under Trump. SCOTUS will be changed. Laws will be passed. The military will be deployed, affecting people around the globe. I get that you want a different political system but this is the one we live in. Don’t throw others under the bus in your quest

It may be Bernie’s biggest mistake was running as a democrat.

God this irritates me. She’s getting shit for helping candidates with less access to funds? Awesome. And I know she will benefit from this too, but come on. You said it perfectly.

Oh good lord, seriously? People can do what they want with their money. Jeez.

Seriously, he is shooting himself in the foot. If he really wants to be President, he wants those down ticket candidates in the House and Senate. He won’t get anything done without more support in legislative branch.

It should be noted that the fundraiser is for the Hillary Victory Fund, which does help Hillary’s campaign, but also donates to down-ticket races. This sort of funding is usually vital for smaller Democratic campaigns, who cannot acquire enough funding on their own to be competitive.

Yes, I somehow feel that if said fundraiser was held for The Bern, he would no longer find it obscene in the least. Gawd. It’s not like Clooney is holding a Punch An Orphan fundraiser.

Thank you. This entire slant is fucking idiotic.

You do realize that this money is for down the ballot. She’s raising for the other candidates down ballot. How much has Bernie raised down ballot?

Reality doesn’t seem to matter to a lot of Sanders supporters. Not all, of course, but many.

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.