
By contrast, Samatha Bee, who is generally very funny and on point, has chosen to perpetuate a narrative dreamed up by the Clinton campaign and glommed on to by the media that put identity politics (and HRC’s personal victory which is supposed to stand it as an achievement for all women?) above the legitimate needs of

Your own candidate isn’t interested in unity. He recently announced that he is not a Democrat and will remain an Independent for the remainder of his term. We always knew his membership in the Democratic party was fake, but I think that it would be more unifying if he had waited until the end of the general election

I’m black, so, no I don’t have experience with any “white trash” drug addict relatives. I also don’t live in a region plagued by it. However, I’m not content to be ignorant of things simply because they don’t occur within a 50 mile radius of me.

Why are you getting mad about it now? Bernie Sanders and his supporters have been saying that. Here’s Bernie on Hillary being qualified for president”

Well, there is an area in Canada desperately in need of people and its local government have openly said it will take Americans fleeing a Trump presidency. If Canada offered refugee status to people directly endangered by a Trump presidency and a Republican Congress, maybe it isn’t such a bad idea. The British

It’s absurd. They jump on Hillary for supporting the 1994 crime bill, but excuse Bernie for actually voting for it! They call Hillary a racist for using the term superpredator, which was a term coined by a Princeton sociologist, but never mention that Bernie took to the floor of the house to call those same people

Stop with this status quo bullshit. If Bernie Sanders were so interested in changing the status quo, he would have spent the last 25 years of his live being an activist, not occupying a seat in Congress. He literally done no hands on work to help anyone, save for that phase he went through in college before he engaged

I hope you have money or a job lined up. Vermont doesn’t have much by way of industry and if you don’t make at least $40,000, you can’t live near your beloved Bernie. Now, if you have an Oxy connect and a backup heroin hotline once you run out of legal opioids, you’ll have a pretty steady income. Vermont has lots of

and IMO, if HE should be considering dropping out... so should Hillary.

seriously. strategically speaking, it could actually be a good move.

How is it shady as fuck to enforce a law that’s been on the books and been enforced for years? New voters had until last month to register. Sanders claims he’s bringing in all of these first time voters, but according to the NY State Board of Elections, only 14,000 new voters registered between November and March. He

Yeah, and Hillary got the Working Family Party’s nomination every time she ran for senator in New York, but that doesn’t mean she’s a member of the WFP. Regardless of whether they featured her on their party line on the ballot, Hillary is still a Democrat and runs with a (D) next to her name. Bernie Sanders has never

You shouldn’t question her feminism because she disavowed feminism long ago. She said:

It is a horrible thing to think. She said she thinks the “revolution would really explode.” This use of Lenin’s Heightening The Contradictions tactic is disturbing. Susan Sarandon is no better than the right-wing religious fundamentalists who gleefully await the Great Tribulation so that the whole word will experience

Well, you’ll have to wait until 2020 to do it because he’s missed the deadline to run as a third party candidate on all of the state ballots. The only place he can run as an Independent is Vermont. You can move there and vote for him.

He loses registered Democrats to Hillary which, unsurprisingly, has lead him to have 2.5 million less votes than he does. You can’t take over a party when the members of said party don’t favor you. He loses closed primaries because they are limited to people who are in the party. Shocking!

Nah. I don’t know which democratically elected leaders in South America will be in office in spring of 2017. Just like I don’t think it is wise to base polls on voters who can’t vote, it’s not wise to vote on potential assassination victims until I know who’s in office.

It’s too late for him to get on any state ballot as an independent, so you’ll have to wait until next time. Your threats are meaningless in 2016, so don’t pull it. I would have preferred if he ran as an Independent because it would have been honest. He has spent his career excoriating the Democratic party as immoral

But according to state Board of Elections Data, just 14,000 new Democrats registered out of 6 million voters statewide between November and August. “That’s not a lot,” said Barbara Bartoletti, the legislative Director for the League of Women Voters of New York State.

Especially when they didn’t get off their asses to vote in the 2010 and 2014 elections to prevent real voter suppression against people of color, the disabled, and the poor which kept them from voting in ELECTIONS. They are whining that white people can’t vote in a primary in a party they don’t support. Their concern

My favorite is their relying on national polls which don’t consider how Sanders would fare after the GOP slime machine comes for him. His democratic-socialist schtick may play in Democratic primaries with a bunch of college students, but imagine the GOP ad talking about how a guy who didn’t have a steady job until he