
I merely asked you why you hang around here if you find minorities and our complaining so exhausting. As I said to you, I don't go to or comment on sites where I would find the content and the commenters unpleasant. I merely asked why don't avail yourself of the option of leaving to go be with likeminded people. I can

Chait's piece puts him in league with those people because he wants to marginalize the voices of anyone who's not white or straight. They let Ann in because she, like you, plays the "cool chick" game. He too believes that white men don't get to have enough of a voice in things, that minorities should shut up, and that

No, you complained about how maltreated you are, so I asked why you don't avail yourself of the other people who hate political correctness and call progressives fascists (as you did). You can go there and be free of all of this. You seem to think the right is a bastion of free speech and that you are just exhausted

Some of us were wishing that would not be any exceptions, because it was going to be no abortions after 20 weeks, when the evidence is clear those babies feel.

I have a genuine question for you. If you find everything so exhausting (because it is totally not exhausting for people of color to actually ENDURE racism everyday), a meaningless quest to see who's the biggest victim, and is so off-putting, then why not go to Free Republic, Storm Front, Fox News, the Daily Caller,

You should totally flee! We don't need your patronizing and condescending attitude. No movement needs a quisling. You can go be the right wing version of the "cool chick." You know, the girl who shows the bros how chill she is because she doesn't challenge their views and has nothing but hostility toward feminazis who

Yes, because if there is one thing this world is lacking, it is the voices and opinions of white men. I mean, it's almost as if they have a say in what women do with their bodies, pass laws to create a new Jim Crow via the prison industrial complex, blather on about how rape actually impacts women and how our bodies

You know who get the death threats the most? Feminists and women in general for dare voicing an opinion men and their women quislings. Tell us about being swatted, having bomb threats called into venues where you have a speaking engagement, threatened with rape, threatened with murder, or being doxxed by liberals.

Kanye and Kimmode have been fucking for years. His former friend and main ghost writer Consequence revealed that even back when Kim was with Reggie Bush, he (Consequence) would drive Kanye, who was hidden in the trunk, to meet up with her. He's been obsessed with her and creeping with her for a long time.

And, seeing how these waste of time bills will be vetoed, they need to stop trying to make Forced Pregnancy Fetch happen. It's not gonna happen!

What have you done other than vote? Have you participated in a GOtV effort? Have you worked to help elect a person in your district? Now that you know that voting isn't enough, will you step up your game to remind others to vote? Most campaigns have liaisons with black churches, for example, for Souls to the Polls

They are Republicans for the same reason they have the same religion as their parents: childhood indoctrination. They were brainwashed as children to believe in fairytales, to hate knowledge, to dictate the lives of others, to reject evidence, and be proudly stubborn about being stuck in the Iron Age. It is hard to

You should vote. If people actually turned out to vote the way they get their crazies out to vote, then they wouldn't be in office to do these things. The 2010 election was a midterm election and the same huge number of voters who turned up for Obama did not turn up that year. What happened? The conservatives

This is totally unsurprising. The 2010 election was when the Teahadists swept into office on the back of the racist backlash against President Obama. Their astroturf movement is based on the most bigoted and right-wing dogma, so it is no wonder that abortion rights got caught in the crossfire. This is just proof that

How do you know this? I've seen many a transgender advocate or personality threaten lesbians, so why not these people? It is kind of infantilizing to say transgender activists aren't capable of threats just like anyone else.

I understand where you are coming g from and support the sentiment, but it hard not to think that if they had shown a small amount of humanity then they could have avoided their (and our) grief.

Bill Cosby has earned this because he has said that young black men deserve to be shot to death if they are suspected of stealing a Coke or a piece of pound cake. The other people you've named have never taken their shows on the road to promote the most pernicious and vicious form of respectability politics. It is one

Seeing as this person contracted HIV in another state, I would say it is working well. Your question is better directed at Nevada. Apparently, things didn't go so well.

I'm sure these victims appreciate your saying that their stories aren't important since the people attacking them aren't US forces and they aren't boys. Go die in afire.

Do you even know how the grand jury process works and how badly McCulloch undermined it in the worst way. He totally abrogated his job as legal advisor to the grand jury and did a document dump. He never cross examined Wilson and, instead, allowed his inconsistent, self-serving, racist, and disputed testimony to slide