
The primary objection to these laws is that judges don't like being constrained by mandatory minimums of ANY crimes. You're presenting this as if they have a problem with the sentencing for child pornography in general. Judge Weinstein is known for refusing to hear drug cases with mandatory minimums. It's the

You know what else is a hot topic? The Kardashians. That a cabal of muddleheaded people decided that serving people who are part of the market for videos of child rape with long prison sentences was a controversy, doesn't make it so. You all always think your clients get sentenced too harshly and I get that because

Please show us credible sources in the criminal justice system saying that and what they're arguments are. I want to see peer reviewed reports. Unless you can provide them, go away Pedobear.

I hope she's not trying to tell people that that Uncle Tom Tim Scott is the first black senator because that's not even close to being true. He wasn't elected and I'll laugh when he has to try to win over the voters in SC to hold that seat.

I hope someone "accidentally" hits him with a car.

Trust me when I say that, despite our wishful thinking, no one believes that the angry white man with made up grievances will ever go away. Gamergate is nothing more than a hateful white whine movement, only instead of focusing on the gay Muslim Kenyan Atheist Obummer, you guys are focused on video games. Yours is an

Dr. Luke, please leave the defense of your character, such as it is, to your publicist. Also, your name is a cheap rip-off of Uncle Luke's.

The utter emptiness of this movement is proven by their failure to even offer us a decent cheese to cover the taste of stale white whine.

*highest of fives*

A lynching of whom? If you mean the non-oppressed video game psychos, you're totally incorrect. If you're talking about the violent mob threatening people, then I'd be inclined to agree with you.

Any sort of humiliation of captives is barred by the Geneva Conventions so I think forcing someone to wear this is worthy of a spot in to dock at the Hague.

*bows deeply*

Go back to the Red Pill Echo Chamber of Butthurt. No one believes that you care about racial justice for black people, so stop using our blood to justify your attacking people for something as insignificant and stupid as VIDEO GAMES. It is a vile and venal thing to do. Trust me that we black people see right through

Well meaning people do this all the time. I remember a celebrity building a well in a village in a developing nation which caused the people in a neighboring village to attack it because they needed water too. This person's instincts and impulses were right, but had he spoken to an NGO with experience in such things,

I wasn't trying to insult you. When you do not know what you're talking about, your role in a conversation should be to listen and ask questions, not debating. You should feel free to ask questions, but nothing more. You must try to understand that you've disqualified yourself by inadvertently self-reporting as

You were flaming that calling them terrorists is hyperbolic and totally off the rails. I was explaining to you that the law considers their behavior "terroristic threats" under the criminal codes. Their behavior is criminal and terrorism doesn't merely take the form of assholes like ISIS. There are different forms of

I'm not snarking on you, but is this really the first time you've heard about women being threatened online with rape and murder? Along with the wish to be extraordinary, there are few things as ordinary as this violence against women. The journalists named in this article are just a few women who've been deluged with

Actually, we have laws against their behavior and in most jurisdictions it is called "making terroristic threats."

Yeah, laughing when a vile little toad gets upset is totally the same thing as publishing someone's home address then threatening to rape and murder someone. Drawing false equivalencies disqualifies you as someone we should take seriously in this conversation. You should be quiet or ask questions, because critical

I think the fact that his description of "biblical sex" is textually inaccurate is worthy of discussion and ridicule. He has a lunatic's fantasy of what types of sex are endorsed by his bible. The amount of rape, sex slaves, and concubines, which his god commanded the biblical patriarchs and their soldiers to take,