
Kind of derailing the conversation, don’t you think?

Fashion is my hobby :/ i spend big money on it because that high end stuff? It lasts forever.

Basically. Most people could function with Amazon’s $50 Fire tablet, but even though that’s so hella cheap, most people will buy a tablet that’s more expensive. Yet they wouldn’t think it’s a luxury or waste of money, because they view it as inherently valuable.

Oh, my! A concern troll! Don’t get to uppity or they will sic the cops on you!

High end bags retain most of their value though. A Celine bag used can still be sold and you can get a decent amount of money back.

You are right, it’s not your money or your business. But in my opinion, teen years/early 20s ARE the time to waste your money on that crap. They likely live at home and don’t have much responsibilities. Maybe they are experiencing their first whims of financial independence. Some people buy bags, some people buy

I would argue that derailing a post about racism to shame the victim is pretty inappropriate. But this is your windmill so tilt away.

Yes well, I’m broke too and barely make my bills, and I would spend that money on car repair bills. Or dental work. But that doesn’t make it OK to shit on them for their choices.

You’re right. It’s none of your business. Their money, their credit, their choice.

That is what you are doing and it’s incredibly inappropriate. What you will and won’t spend money on is not only uninteresting, it is not at all the point of this story.

Worth is so subjective. I thought Star Wars the Force Awakens was worth seeing twice. Some people spent their $30 bucks on food instead.

I would never spend that much on a belt, but I bet a lot of people wouldn’t spend what I do on (insert random crap here).

I’m not a huge spender and I wear fake diamond earrings but bags are my thing and I have a collection of designers bags (Celine, Prada, Chloe, Balenciaga Etc...). It’s not ridiculous and wasteful, it’s my personal splurge and something I love to treat myself too. But I would never ever spend $350 on a belt. In my

We pay more for cell phones than a $350 belt.

The level of racism is much lower there.

A slave who smiles at his child or looks happily at a blue sky is a different thing from “the only thing that put a smile on Hercules’ face was when Lady Washington walked into the kitchen” (approximate quote). The book shows slaves taking pleasure in their masters’ happiness as if that was their purpose in life. It’s

It still means waaaaaaaay more than a rap Grammy.

Welcome to the world of being a black woman. I'm not sure how they do it but plenty of them have stuck up for me through life so I'm always #teamsistafriend

Such as?

I don’t understand why babies can suck on women's nipples for food, but when they get a little older, suddenly seeing a woman's nipples will scar them for life.