
I dunno, I kinda feel for the guy. I mean, if I were a rich dude who looked like THAT, I might be tempted to go the “comic book villian route” myself.

That makes a lot of sense.

I wonder if I’m not unconsciously engaging in some misogyny when I consider how I feel when Hilldog talks. She doesn’t come across as “angry” so much as she comes across “presidential”. That’s not necessarily a compliment, her tone kinda makes my skin crawl in the same way that Obama and Bill Clinton did.

Courageously inserting yourself into other people’s vaginas without their permission.

I loved how flat and blunt he was about it.

So, you’d profile this guy yourself? Got it.

Yeah, I mean, you can say you’re just making a broader statement about our culture, but intentional or not, it’s still derailing.

What would happen to our economy if we didn’t buy shit we didn’t need? I mean, I’m sure it would be a utopian jizz-dream, but I dunno how likely such a society actually is

*shrug* I still feel like you’re making an assumption about young dude’s personal values soley because you perceive them to not line up with yours.

Why stop at $5? What is a belt, but a thing that holds your pants up? Why not just weave one out of your body hair?

I get that. I’m inclined (somewhat) to agree that our consumer culture is sort of depressing, but I acknowledge the irony of holding that stance while typing away on a $650 super-computer that fits in my pants. It’s hard for me to criticize other people’s engagement in our consumer culture, when I’m just complicit.


Why is that such a common response to these stories? Like, the real injustice here is the fact that a teenager chose to spend his money irresponsibly (by YOUR own judgement). I don’t know that it’s at all relevant to the issue here. It just kinda sounds like a limp dick way to justify this kid’s arrest.

I recently read some shitbird rando on Facebook say that this was “just a prank” within spitting distance of having just said that saying “Happy Holidays” is the same as commiting a hate crime. I dunno about this Jesus person, but some of his followers really need to be taken down a peg.

Babies are allowed to suck on boobies for food, but not in public. You take that disgusting act of bonding with your child into the bathroom!

What’s so traumatizing about seeing lady-nips? I don’t really understand the panic that allegedly straight dudes get into over female nudity. Like, roughly half the population is female, so lady parts are nothing new to them. The other half is overwhelmingly heterosexual, so a lot of them see naked women all the time,


I think a LOT of people who call themselves progressives kinda aren’t.

Where would I be had the internet come and dismantle the monoculture? I’d have actually heard of these guys.

You know what doesn’t really help alleviate confusion?

Tell me about it. I live in Ladd’s Addition and there are so many of these “fancy” stripmalls popping up all over.