Gay No Chaser

It’s a lot more than “a very small fraction.”

Also, no one gives a shit. Stop being butthurt. The fact that you’re using a comment on an article about how white people are too sensitive to declare “not all white people!!!!” proves the video’s point exactly.

the main thing I’ve heard is that Bernie won’t go to bat for women, but if we put more money in the middle class’ pockets, it will be easier for women to get closer to equality with men. if the average woman has more disposable income to start a business, or spend on daycare, or anything else she may need, she will be

there’s this relentless woman on my Facebook who posts anti-Bernie (*not* pro-Hillary, mind you, but anti-Bernie, specifically) and when people try to challenge her, she screeches and calls them all misogynists. as an annoying I-don’t -shave-my-legs feminist lesbian, even *I* think that’s too much. it’s ridiculous.

Ugh stop silencing me because you don’t get why I want a woman president. You’re such a misogynist. Wait, what? You’re a woman, too?’re just trying to impress boys. Sit down.

Agreed! Maybe make a minimum time period so people who like to break up & get a new partner in 5 minutes won’t be able to get tax breaks for a million people. Say, a one year time period?

Request for follow-up story re: why marriage is on the decline. WOULD READ.

Ohmygod YES. She sounds so humorless in this “piece.” Like, what the fuck do you care if people make jokes about being bad at being an adult? Why do people put up this front like they’re fucking perfect and effortlessly so? She even admits at the end that she’s bad at being adult. What’s worse Madeline, being bad at