You’ve heard of bodies rejecting transplants? Well in this case, your transplanted hair is rejecting your body.
I love sandwiches, but sandwiches fall apart too easily, so while they’re a wonderful concoction of flavor, from a design perspective they are flawed and unwieldy.
A staunchly Republican Transgender Olympic Athlete is not relateable?
With all these capybaras around, the tournament is sure to be a ROUSing success.
Well yeah Hillary Clinton and Billy Clinton. Not so shocking at all.
sounds like less blood than the ensuing aftermath of grabbing the wrong towel, though
I’m 38 and I give myself hand jobs nearly every day.
Ciara was hardly the first person to get boned in England recently by some guy who hasn’t got a clue what he is doing.
I recognize that glow on their faces. They totally feel asleep while watching HGTV.
Fixed that for you.
The “can’t beat ‘em join ‘em” thing isn’t being hammered enough. I’ve always, always rooted for Durant and I just can’t any more, because when James Harrison talks about participation trophies and shit, this should be Exhibit A. Isn’t this supposed to be about competition at some point? Is the message we want to send…
Morey’s problem is that back in college he got A’s in Accounting, Statistics, and Marketing, but he got an F in Chemistry.
Yep Kobe the guy who stayed with the team that drafted him for his entire career. Greatest Charlotte Hornet of all time
“Hope Hicks” sounds like Trump’s entire campaign strategy.
the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”
fuck off
Just like the boobs on Fox, this one, too, is lily-white and far to the right.