
AMEN to that! This ‘never heard of you” writer, couldn’t come close to being even 1/100th of the great man Pete Buttigieg is. Buttigieg put his life on the line, fighting to keep this guy’s freedom. So he can sit on his entitled arse, and type out vile hateful, judgmental , opinionated comments on his laptop. Sad

That is incredibly so we'll put! My sentiments completely!

I am 67, and Gay all my life! Doesn’t that make me more of an expert on “gayness” than Peck. I identify more with Pete and Chasten and the way they live, than I do with the lives of my flaming Gay friends, who are sacarastially angry most of the time at the world and everyone in it. You see, Mr. Juzwiak, they’re

Hate flows out of Ingraham's mouth, like pus from a diseased penis. May she reap what she sows.

Thank you for your article. I’m a born-again Gay Christian. I won’t eat at a CF because they donate a part of their profits to establishments who are against my "equality". I have no problem with anyone else eating there. If an establishment opened that donated to anti-Christ groups, I wouldn't eat their either. The