gay bread

So... I did something today.

Could we please file this under “the proper way a person should react to offending someone with their work.”

One of the really cool things about art is that you, as an individual, don’t get to categorically deem another person’s work to be art or not.

This logic - that whites cannot understand the suffering of non-whites - is producing a new form of segregation. It’s racist.

In all the pictures his mouth is shut, and he’s just, like...looking. There’s a ton of pictures of trump people with their mouths open like they’re talking, freeze framed mid-word, but there’s not any photographic evidence that this dude’s mouth even opens. It’s unsettling and bizarre

I’m sorry... what? the “artist is cool with it”?? Did you even read the article?

Holy shit, I normally like what you write, but this entire comment is so ignorant of the context of Warhol/Lichtenstein that it almost reads as parody

Last time it’s on that cameras, and it’s a big sad, m’kay?

Hap. :( Correct pronouns are not a privilege to be revoked if someone steps out of line, commits a crime, etc. Just use the right fucking pronouns and stop whining about it. Singular “they” has been in use in the English language for ages and is widely considered correct, anyhow:

While it’s better than the alternative, this isn’t exactly a ringing victory for democracy.

That’s because men don’t listen.

The people who were angry about the whole Beronica kiss thing on the show weren’t angry because straight actors were playing LGBT characters. Rather they were angry that instead of featuring a moment that showed Betty and Veronica sharing an honest possibly-LGBT moment, the two characters only kissed to “shock”

This is pretty gross dude. He’s talking about his grief over his dead mother.

So it isn’t the gate agent, but the policy that’s blatantly sexist.

The funeral and the fact that Mamie Till chose to have an open casket was a really big deal. I was at the African American History Museum and they have a room that is a recreation of the Till funeral (ironically the only part of the museum where you can’t take photos). Walking through it I couldn’t even bring myself

You are a good person for helping that old doggie.

Yea, cause saying Lord Dampnut is a bad man is really “woke” when your corporation refuses to pay its employees a decent salary, badly mistreats them, and makes them work regardless of their personal situation at the time.

Oh, man... I found an old, blind dog wandering around in the street near my work the other day. I put her in the car and took her down to my shop for the afternoon while I located her owner. She was a sweet old dog, and I had a belly to rub for one afternoon. :,(

I feel all sorts of sad for these closeted kids, of course, but I also love this story. It’s important to be able to look back on heteronormative institutions and see the queer reality beneath the surface. It helps to destroy the myth that things were “better” and “normal” [again, read: heteronormative] in the “good