
Even paying $60,000/year in rent for a Brooklyn 2 bedroom, you are a fucking asshole if you live paycheck to paycheck on $175k.

Lol! He is the Sandler of politics.

Me too. Fuck! I upset a Jezzie once and I only had my Gawker in the black to give me solace. Now I have nothing. Nothing.

They do both suck. Hill sucks much less.

Let’s not start pretending she’s not a lying, narcissistic sociopath just because she’s the better one.

I’ve been excited about NMS for quite a while, though I’m also not the kind of dude to buy a $60 game on release day. I’ll pick it up when it’s half that on Steam or Amazon, and all of the kinks have been worked out. I’m pretty wary about this stuff given the way particularly that PC games are released and updated now

I don’t think it’s question begging to assign sexes based on chromosomes among binary people - it’s just a matter of definition. There’s nothing to prove.

The last fifty people I have heard using the phrase “bow down” were all Snoop, talking about a murderer’s record label.

Yeah, that’s not how that works.

100 words in: if you live on the Upper West Side, take acting and yoga classes, go to bars, etc, you are not “unemployed.” You are a spoiled fucking brat.

Well, somebody’s never been a pothead.

Seriously. Like so many other things, there are two ways - the right way and the wrong way. #1 is for sure the wrong way in almost all circumstances.

I used to work at a book shop and had a regular customer, probably in his ‘80s, who dropped like $200/week on books + greeting cards, etc for his grandkids. He never read any of the new stuff he bought, though - just stacked it around his house. He couldn’t get over Ulysses, so each time he finished it he just started

male-identifying men

Unlike all those effective Clinton surrogates who are just screaming ‘get off my lawn'.

Now replace ‘ivory’ and ‘tusks’ with ‘child pornography.'

Ole Miss does not use the Confederate flag as one of its symbols, and has done everything in its power to keep fans from bringing them to games for more than a decade. Nor do they use Colonel Reb as a symbol any longer. Nor do they even fly the state flag on campus because it includes the Rebel flag. It’s an

All cabinets should obviously be close to 50-50. But a cabinet that’s half women is meaningless if they suck. See: HRC, DWS, and their “moderate” Republican counterparts like Shelley Moore Capito, etc.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I love that people have heard so many variations on this. The two I’ve heard before were: