That is some high end trolling.
That is some high end trolling.
I am totally shocked that a professional killer could kill. Also, that “photography” is worth zero dollars.
Best Jon Lovitz story, from Al Franken’s Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Idiot (we didn’t care about fat-shaming then):
Because the founding fathers knew how stupid people are.
Mostly because yeah, the portion of this money that doesn’t stay with Hill is just a bribe.
Here comes that New Democrat smarm again. No we can’t!
The Clintons hijacked the fucking party. Liberals want it back.…
Matt Taibbi killed it the other day…
In a report published by the ACLU in 2009, there are estimations that “five to ten percent of death row inmates suffer from a severe mental illness.”
How else was s/he gonna get 100 likes?
Powdered milk is basically just protein and sugar. Dry baby formula is sticky like coffee creamer.
At least the most isn’t around the end zone this time.
There used to be a pool hall/cigar shop in my hometown that gave out bumper stickers: Eat right. Don’t smoke. Die anyway.
I’m pretty sure like 60% of the country thinks it’s just Trump vs Clinton.
Yeah, not really. My grandmother who lived in a very rural area would say it, but Charlestonians no.
There is not much we can say to that, is there?
Has anyone been murdered this way yet?
Your work lets you use Gawker but not LJ? Do you work in 1996 or in Russia?
Does anyone else feel like they just copied the Grantland “we fucked up” statement?
The purpose of that particular story was to make jokes about a genital birth defect under the guise of “but Hitler.”