
You’re an idiot.

I was getting ready to say “Dear social media people - if you’re thinking about sending 4 angry/defensive tweets in one goddamn minute, maybe sit in your hands.” But 30? 30?

I will never fucking understand (7). I would literally renounce atheism and start tything if Ms. Gawkophile suddenly made more than me (in which case we should still be poor).

I was thinking they were trying to keep the secret, ancient recipe for liquid smoke under wraps.

“Action Skyscraper” sounds like a Tracy Jordan joint.

It’s almost like America and Americans aren’t totally superior to other western democracies and their citizens.

I’m actually more annoyed with Vimeo’s cowardly policy of shoot first ask questions later.

Let’s all just stay calm and remember that it’s the gayz who are making a mockery of holy matrimony. /s

This reminds me of that time that slavery was empowering because a couple of black dudes made a pile of money kidnapping their neighbors and selling them like livestock.

People who get angry at the languages spoken by others are always paranoid narcissists who just assume that others are talking about them. “Look at this fat, idiot bitch with the Donald Trump hair!” If you’re that insecure, and especially if you live 125 miles from a Spanish-speaking country, it’s on you to learn that

If forced to choose, I’m pretty sure I’d take “diarrhea waterboarding” over “Christian electronica.”

Next your going to tell me I shouldn’t be smoking this cigarette.

Surely they’ll welcome my all-natural arsenic and asbestos blend sunscreen. Also available in uranium.

Of course, like most of the bullshit “non-toxic” companies, their products are bad for people and the environment. I can’t paste, because Kinja, but look at the EWG scorecards, which look to average C but go as low as F.

Spotted today at Pay-Less (Kroger) in Lafayette, Indiana.

And way more idiotic sounding (?).

It’s something racists talk about when they’re not being racist?

Breaking: Bad person hated by worse person.

Nowhere, because it’s cheaper, healthier and environmentally responsible to use cloth. (If you have to hoof it a mile to the laundromat, you get a pass on this.)

Iowa is not electorally important, much less crucial, in the general election.