
No one gives a shit what you think internet commentator, prove me wrong. 

pre-req for a “normie” to get into Ivy league: survive your school being shot up and go on to moan and bitch about it nationally, AMERICAN DREAM USA USA USA USA USA!

I mean these people are British, I knew within a millisecond after looking at them that they’re British and the author probably didn’t want to really tell all the hate rage commentators on here outright that they’re not American and that the court decision happened in another country because that could possibly tamp

People who live in areas/countries where communications companies have an actual monopoly laugh at your perceived plight.

Yeah wasn’t trying to be an ass but it is basically his coup de grace joke that ties together all his stories in his latest stand-up special on Netflix.

Trevor Noah joke....

In customs speak a visa has to be applied for in advance, anything that is granted automatically without application is technically a visa but isn’t referred to as one. The CBP operates in this fashion at least not sure about outside of North America.

They live in big houses, with nice cars and multiple mistresses. 

You know what does work though? The Japanese not giving 1 single fuck about people being upset. This way of living can be applied in all kinds of fantastic ways and is routinely applied by the offended in this article. 

Literally no reason to have a tumblr account other than NSFW content

u r dum

Multiple supreme court rulings have determined that law enforcement officers do not have a duty to know the law nor enforce it properly. (see U.S v Shelton Barnes et. al. and Heien v. North Carolina.)

Artifact will do just fine without people who think $20 is a large sum or that $2 is insane.

This is totally true, I’m not the core audience but I learned through facebook that Killary should be Locked Up and that George Soros runs an international cabal of tribal folk who want to destroy America!

Stolen from the Dutch?

Pretty sure Dems don’t have family pet names for Saudis, aka Bandar “Bush”. Jesus man get down to earth.

Right wing nuts hate it because it doesn’t show the planting of the flag, left win nuts hate it because it is about the actual people who actually accomplished everything.

They aren’t apathetic they just used all their energy being mad about things that don’t matter and didn’t have any left to vote.

“witty” comments like this have a pretty brutal flipside

This isn’t a place for knowledge but poor person liberal outrage!