
If Ferrari targeted children for buying their cars that would be irresponsible since they can’t drive but they also don’t have any money so just like gambling it is fucking moot.

Yeah, that guy whose was mentioned more in the 2018 world cup during Swedish games than any other Swedes, but he wasn’t even on the squad. Who was that guy again?

I think it is true (for the purposes of the propaganda that we push here at Shitty Gawker™)

I want to know how long it will be until people will shout about supporting your troops who gave their lives for the corporations you love because they certainly aren’t giving their lives in the name of freedom and haven’t been for decades. 

How dare you acknowledge facts! I totally agree that this entire situation is sexist as fuck but every time I see some idiot bring up McEnroe as some kind of example of men getting away with shit they have no fucking clue as he made Nick Kyrgios look like a choir boy in terms of getting in trouble. 

This comment is amusing because if you just replace cops with a black dude you are stating the exact same shit that white people say about black people.

I think the guy then drove his car off a cliff as a result of the poisoning?

Craig’s run has been much like Brosnan with their 1st entry being god like and following movies being forgettable. 

These are points worth hearing and then addressing, like where is the part where these evil men are actually trying to fix the environment? Religion is to blame for everything to do with women and their bodily autonomy so, that point is basically 99% pointless here. ED pills vs BC, again religion and this is a very bea

I find it troubling that you believe jumping straight to violence is warranted in this situation. I would never go straight to drop kicking someone who was yelling at my wife yet you seem to think that is totally the solution here with your response. It is reactions like this that breed stand your ground laws.

Anywhere on earth other than the United States of America?

Minus a million stars for not making a joke about “pneumonia

Making a sequel to A Quite Place would be like making a sequel to Signs.

You can blame both the right and left for creating the idea that the PNW is a liberal paradise. No idea into the specifics why it has happened but both enjoy pushing the idea despite the fact that the area, which I think you need to include Idaho in, is historically famous for white nationalism. I learned all about

To be fair most people don’t know that it was founded as a white utopia.

Cops aren’t health care providers, shocking that they don’t have to follow their standards!

Half the reason NY is so dirty is all the fucking dogs. Midtown has either grease flowing down the gutters or dog piss.


This shitstain is doing so well that the morons that bought it are shopping it around at bargain basement prices!

Woah woah woah, does this mean we can blame the parents whenever minorities are violent or misbehave or only in instances when those parents are kidnappers? This is all confusing because normally it is everyone else on earth’s fault but the parents. Just two weeks ago an article on here was about some piece of shit