
Now if they cant attach to an outside group will it still be labeled terrorism in the same vein as the attacks that are supported by outside groups? So far the weapons were not provided by an outside group and were purchased legally in accordance to California State Law. Or will they be forced to recognize that these

“Even if climate change wasn’t a thing at all, how can you see cleaner energy as a bad thing?”


No shit, Professor Einstein.

“People get so into picking apart the individual instances that they can’t see the forest for the trees.”

The narrative is that colleges don’t take rape seriously, and that the victims aren’t adequately protected by school administration. If Rolling Stone and the producers of Hunting Ground can’t find any cases where that truly happens, maybe the narrative is wrong.

Ok first off the snark is not necessary

So many Clinton supporters dismiss the ties between him and Epstein. “Oh, they weren’t friends, Epstein was just a big donor to the democratic party.”

Did you not read the part where I said I believed the accusations against Clinton?

There are 2 other women who have also accused Bill Clinton of rape, bringing the total number of rape accusers to 5.

There are 2 other women who have also accused Bill Clinton of rape, making the total number of rape accusers to 5.

California has pretty tough gun laws. It didn’t help.

are you kidding me? religious harassment led them to seek solace in ISIS propaganda? don’t make excuses for this sick tragedy.

Ehh... the problem I have with this is the pipe bombs. It certanly seems like they were stocking up for something. Survivalist gun nuts might stock guns and ammo out the wazooo, maybe even the body armor... but pipe bombs?

I disagree. If he did it alone i would say workplace violence. But the wife being involved makes me think its something more. Why assume the wife is a victim for all we know she could be the brains behind this.

This is how society works nowadays. Assume its a white male....these are the same people that scream for equality but for the life of them cant practice it

Ah, a MUSLIM couple that recently returned from Saudi Arabia and that had a neighbor that did not report strange behavior and visits to their home for fear of “profiling.”

Yesterday: It’s gotta be white conservative gun nut ammo sexual Christian types.

“the truth is turning out more bizarre” That muslims shot up a building? Ask your friends in Paris....

Let’s focus on guns yet again as the reason for this tragedy. Not the fact 2 Muslims attacked a Christmas party killing 14.