
tell us all why VIDEO FUCKING GAMES are segregated by gender - because in sports, there’s a physical difference - but video games?

isn’t it up to anyone to decide what jokes they want to do? TRUMP

white people uncomfortable at racist tropes performed by queer people of color are just racist themselves...

queer Muslims should take aim at their own people who would stone this bitch in a NY minute..

As any former British colonial subject will tell you, involuntarily sharing your homeland and being—sometimes violently—forced to submit to a culture that regards your own as barbaric inspires so many pleasant memories!

invasion of privacy

Straight men run the world, bitch...

Note that this pair of questions implicitly proposes that there is a 50/50 chance that the accusations against Montague are false. It’s commonly accepted that, while false sexual assault accusations do happen, they only occur between 2 and 8 percent of the time.

zoos are also used for study and education - but hey, who needs that

people who accuse others of bigotry based on perceived dog whistles are usually flipping burgers between radical tweets...

so the affirmative action inmates are now running the SJW asylum - which is fine - but after four years (or in the case of your average POC either 3 casue they drop out at higher rates or 5 because they take longer to graduate), what are you left with? great memories of a sit-in that you can recall on a park bench

can you turn down the halo a bit, it’s kinda blinding

so comparison shopping is out - you and kevin can both go and fuck your mother - or his - or both of yours - comparison shopping is more than helpful sales people - it’s good prices too - the real answer is: IF you value a particular location and use them as a guide but buy SOMEWHERE ELSE, don’t whine if they close -

One suggestion: Don’t feel pressured to buy anything you don’t like, but if the salesperson helps you find a shoe you do like, don’t be an asshole and walk out of the store to buy it online.

a good liberal can turn any expression or anything into a dog whistle...

one thing he gets right: the game is way too slow now - and waiting for the replay is horrific...

it goes against Rothcrap’s narrartive...

mansplain - apply logics and facts instead of SJW Math...

So you just compared paychecks without comparing experience, hours on the job, expertise - got it - proving why the gender wage gap is a proven pile of shit...

Gee, I was raped and I was gonna go find a counselor but SIRI told me to go have pizza instead - and then I went back to cutting myself...fucking losers...