Really? Yikes!

You didn’t win in 1812.

“It really is the World Cup of Fraud, and today we are issuing FIFA a red card.”

Yes, this terrible pun is completely representative of “us,” and unhip government functionaries only exist in America.

Wow, you really are a soccer fan.

I recently toured the FedEx facility. Planes land in 90 second intervals for a few hours, everything gets sorted, loaded back onto planes, and then the planes depart every 90 seconds. It’s absolutely amazing to see the facility at work.

She needs to drink more Activia.

I actually have some insider knowledge on this. AJ originally wanted to have a sophisticated audience, but failed miserably because that’s not what the majority of the US wants. Also they had trouble getting sophisticated audiences in the US (i.e. Those who read the Economist) because a significant portion of tbose

Responsible for the death of civilization one week at a time...

I’m from Colfax, about 20 miles south of there. I never heard that story. Thanks for bringing it out!

I’m related to the Harpe Brothers and it weirds me out that I have the same blood as those creepy fucks. I actually saw them on one of those ghost hunting shows and had a laugh. I don't really want a reunion.

IIRC Laura Ingalls Wilder (author of Little House on the Prairie) later claimed her family was in the area when the Benders were about their bloody business. Really would have punched those books up.

So it’s worse than beating your wife, but not as bad as beating your wife but being caught on tape.

I think he should have to play the first 4 games with a ball COMPLETELY deflated... Like ur dad makin u smoke the whole pack when he catches you smoking cigs! Ha!

<german accent> I do!! I do!!! </german accent>

he said that after college, he hopes to “either be the President or to be the one who makes the President the President.”

I’ve been wondering if the transition to police officers patrolling in cars vs. going on foot patrol has made a difference.

Yet again blacks are thugs, but white college students rioting because their favorite team didn’t win a game is just “kids being kids”.

they implemented a lot of these rules in Las Vegas, and it really seems to be working.

As a Buffalonian with southtown roots, I loved Tim Russert. No bs, fact-based reporting. Tough interviewer.

This is just a symptom of disease that is the in-built institutional racism that cannot be saved by the concentration of melanin in a mayor’s or a president’s skin. The rioting and looting is a symptom of the same disease. The deliberate media ignorance of what is happening in places like Balitmore is a symptom of the

This expression is my everything.