Really? Yikes!

It’s the eye of the martyr
It’s the thrill of the Right
Rising up to the challenge of our (Supreme Court) trial
And the last known dissenter
Thinks Jesus supports her plight
And she’s watching us all with the eyeeeeeeeeeee ... of the martyr

Shall I continue?

Serious question for Natasha: if Roy had contacted you with these pictures and told you that he was attempting to blackmail one of the women but they wouldn’t pay him, would you have published his pictures of the woman in question and kept his identity secret?

There ought to be a picture of you right next to the dictionary definition of hypocrisy. You’re the human personification of Feminism Lite.

Warning, this was posted on Gawker...

It’s not about overruns, it’s about the fact that cities/states pay for huge chunks of the stadium outright.

Because places that don’t have a stadium don’t realize they’re a major money pit and see only the prestige (or even think they’re only a minor money pit that is worth the prestige), so stadiums always have the option of going elsewhere and fans are so religious about their team that the team “leaving them” is not an

Clearly this is the flag Paul Dean flies outside of her plantation. It’s definitely butter.

Jim Jefferies. The whole 15 minute bit is worth listening to.

Sweet tea is gross and you should be ashamed. ;)

Wow, great read on an issue I knew absolutely nothing about only 15 minutes ago. I hope there is the opportunity for follow-up as the situation unfolds.

I'm a teacher and it freaks me out when people say teachers should have guns. Kids get into everything and I would be spending all my time chasing them away from it. No, I don't want to be responsible for a gun.

When all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target. When all you care about is the Second Amendment, everything looks unimportant.

This is seriously a weird article. Is it worse to face the vague possibility of being robbed or to have your child deal with the trauma from shooting you or a sibling? Kids are crazy and moms can usually barely keep track of them as is.

The 26-year-old didn’t lose her cool, but when the man refused to leave after she politely told him she didn’t have anything to give, Haggard sensed the situation was escalating.