Really? Yikes!

Just a public service announcement to you over sensitive feminists out there looking for men to hate...

It is warming. The fight is about is it human caused/accelerated or just normal cycle. In any case the seas are rising, land is flooding, weather more pronounced. We have to deal with those changes regardless of cause. Again the fight is about do we do anything about 7-8 Billion humans and their activities.

Most of the world calls it "climate change" now because derps like you can't grasp the fact that "global warming" =/= "every day is hot forever".

The rest of the enlightened world does as well. The only people that don't believe in it, are, well, in fact glue-huffing apes.

What the fuck does this guy know, he believes in evolution?

Look at that face! That is the complexion of a serious drinker.

And went to buy drugs.

Ulysses was a much better read, and made more sense.

I read that as "iron worker who was a secret librarian," and I was like, "dreamboat!"

What year did that happen and why did you take it? I trust you had no other option and it was sometime in the 80's. You know when the interest rates were in the double digits that most of the readership of this site failed to know could happen.

If I were the niece, I would have donated the $25 in Rand's name to Harry Truman's campaign. Take that Auntie!

Lol. Most Ayn Rand-worshipping CEOs could learn something from this. Pay your debts, no excuses? But what if revenues are down? And isn't it a smart business move to file for bankruptcy to avoid debts?

A $1,200 loan is pretty good for a kid, who are known to be less than responsible with money. I actually think its pretty cool he was willing to help you get into a car while teaching you how loans/interest work (pay it off faster as those minimums are small enough and save money so you don't have to pay as much

Yeah, I expected some crazed rant about freeloaders and the evils of generosity, but what I actually got from that letter is that Ayn Rand was doing her niece a favor, if a harsh one. Older Kids/Teens need to learn how to be independent, that you don't deserve whatever makes you happy just because you want it. I don't

Yeah, 'cuz nothin' makes a kid straighten up and fly right quite like twelve paragraphs of self-important bloviating.

I don't think I've seen someone write 'kids these days' in a non-sarcastic manner in years. Well done! Are you secretly the ghost of Andy Rooney?

They just want something, *anything* to bitch about. I hope de Blasio figures out a way to put a foot up their collective asses.

I agree. In my hometown people are so poor that even the requirement to wear dark clothes if overlooked. You can wear just whatever you have at hand, show up and show that you care for example by not turning the funeral into a political protest.

Pretty simple really...

Because the force on the wall does not depend on the quantity of water behind it but only on the height of the water. The pressure on the wall has a linear distribution.If we consider a piece of wall of unitary length ( 3m of height by 1m of lenght) the pressure goes from 0 kPa (on the top) to 29.4 kPa on the