Token Black Saturday at Gawker

Yeah, its funny how Gawker always glosses over these details in articles about people in jail or on death row. It always turns into a sob story for the scumbag. Hey Gawker, how about you go interview the victims family? See how they feel about the situation?

“She”? Dont even give him the respect of recognizing which gender he decides to identify with. He doesnt deserve it.

“But the worst criminals are still human beings and their treatment reflects on the society that detains them.”

But she is TRANS. DUH. Trans is the hot new thing now, didnt you hear? So because she is trans we should all have sympathy now. DUH.

Another choice quote:

sorry- “this” is not a is a piece of shit that is right where IT belongs!

But the worst criminals are still human beings

Oh come now, let’s all remember that a woman is whatever a murdering Latin King gangleader man says it is.

The problem with mean little people is they have mean little ideas.

White privilege? She’s Latino.

No, I don’t think that makes you a bad person, and agreeing she should be in a women’s prison is more than many (most?) people would give her.

Nice. You put more effort into researching this article than the hacks who wrote it.

He shouldn’t be with women. He’s still male. Probably even still has his “original equipment”. Could you imagine him in a shower room with women? OMG.

I agree with you, although seriously, he does NOT belong in a female prison. Why would you take someone who raped a 13 year old girl and then put them in a prison full of more women he can rape? This guy knew that if he was ‘transgender’ he would get special protection from the general population in a male prison, or

HE should be placed in a male prison in his own cell. Not solitary, just his own cell. They need a separate wing for the gender-nonconforming for their own safety, plus their own yard. That’s as far as I would go for him though. HE RAPED AND MURDERED A FEMALE AND YOU WANT HIM IN A FEMALE PRISON? Right.

So with the same logic, Barack Obama also has white privilege?

Treatment of Trans individuals in Prison is a giant and serious problem.

I agree. Perhaps they should let her go and stay with you while she rehabilitates? You’re good with that, right?

Yeah, right. Who are you gonna believe: a gang-banger who’d already been tried for a previous case of arson and murder, or all the people who testified that he and his partner had bragged about torturing and murdering a little kid? And who then grinned all the way through the trial?

From the NY Times, August 30, 1993: