Good question. No clue. You’d think they would just add in the extra seating just in case.
Good question. No clue. You’d think they would just add in the extra seating just in case.
Supposedly 3000 seats can easily be added. This has been reported before.
There were hardship exceptions. Always were. These questions are nothing new.
Wahhhhhh! Im a whiny feminist coward. Wahhhhhh!
That college exception was nixed toward the end of vietnam. Anyone can get drafted.
Or any kind of government employment.
Thats all true. But you fucking military feminists wanted women in combat, you got it, now you have to eat the whole shit sandwich.
So you hope. But apparently you can see the future dipshit. Im sure if there were a draft a whiny little coward like you would be first to cry like a little bitch.
No but you fucking progressive clowns will just say “lets get rid of selective service all together” which translates as: we don’t want women drafted and want special treatment.
Nice double standard there Feminazi.
Of course because you don't want to serve. Fucking coward.
Love seeing you SJW scumbags squirm!
LOL! What is this the school playground? Nanny nanny poo poo! Again Shut the fuck up, you bottom feeding piece of shit.
Just shut the fuck up.
Because its all white males right? No women in there at all. You fucking brainless dipshit.
Thank god. That old hag should have been put out to pasture years ago.
And yet another mass shooting blows right up in your leftist narrative’s face.
Toxic femininity.
A woman was involved must have been toxic femininity.
Yeah sure it was a bakery....